Proven Quality Folding Tents

Our folding tents are made in England. They are made from materials with a very high quality; the designers are always taking care of the smallest details. Since its inception, Gala Tent, the brand of the folding tents that we are selling through our online store, wanted to exceed the expectations of its customers by consistently improving the quality attributes of their products against competitors and periodically subjecting them to rigorous testing strength and quality controls.

In the following video you can see how one of our comparative test, Gala tent® far exceeds the quality of a structure similar appearance of a strong competitor.

Our folding tents are made in England from materials of very good quality, always taking care to the smallest of details. Since its inception, Gala tent® , brand folding tents that sell through our online store, wanted to exceed the expectations of its customers consistently improving the quality attributes of their products against competitors and periodically subjecting them to rigorous testing strength and quality controls.


In the following video you can see how one of our comparative test, Gala tent® far exceeds the quality of a structure similar appearance of a strong competitor.

This quality assurance has received numerous awards for innovation and good customer service for years both the brand, as its creator Jason Mace.

Gala Tent® has always been at the forefront in research and continuous development of improvements to existing products as well as creating new products and accessories that meet the needs of the most demanding customers whether companies, campers, traders or individuals.



In this picture you can see a trader who struggles to keep his erect tent while the bottom two tents of our brand remain unchanged before the wind.

Trust the company that has been the leader for many years and enjoy a folding tent in perfect condition.



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